
1.      Dickmann, F.; Viezens, F. and Sax, U. (2008): Grid Computing und die Zukunft der IT im Gesundheitswesen, 53. GMDS Jahrestagung 2008, Stuttgart, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e. V. (GMDS), 2008.12.30,

2.      Dickmann, F.; Kaspar, M.; Löhnhardt, B., et al. (2009): Perspectives of MediGRID, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 147, pp. 173-182.

3.      Dickmann, F.; Kaspar, M.; Löhnhardt, B., et al. (2009): Visualization in Health Grid Environments: A Novel Service and Business Approach Grid Economics and Business Models - 6th International Workshop, GECON 2009, Delft, The Netherlands, pp. 150-159.

4.      Dickmann, F.; Brodhun, M.; Falkner, J., et al. (2010): Technology Transfer of Dynamic IT Outsourcing Requires Security Measures in SLAs, Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services - 7th International Workshop, GECON 2010, Ischia, Italy, pp. 1-15.

5.      Dickmann, F.; Viezens, F.; Rey, S., et al. (2011): Virtuelle Forschungsumgebungen – integrierende Informationsinfrastrukturen für die Forschung, Blettner, M.; Kaatsch, P.; Kaiser, M., et al., 56. GMDS Jahrestagung 2011, Mainz, Kirchheim Verlag, Mainz,

6.      Dickmann, F.; Falkner, J.; Gunia, W., et al. (2011): Solutions for biomedical grid computing--Case studies from the D-Grid project Services@MediGRID, Journal of Computational Science, In Press, Corrected Proof.

7.     Falkner, J. and Weisbecker, A. (2009): Engineering of Services and Business Models for Grid Applications Grid Economics and Business Models - 6th International Workshop, GECON 2009, Delft, The Netherlands, pp. 140-149.

8.      Falkner, J. and Weisbecker, A. (2009): Chancen in der Wolke: Für wen sich Cloud-Computing lohnt, Object Spectrum [6], pp. 16-20.

9.      Falkner, J.; Weisbecker, A. and Spath, D. (2010): Cloud Computing - IT aus der Wolke, Spath, D.; Weisbecker, A. and Falkner, J., Grid und Cloud Computing, Tagungsband des Stuttgarter Softwaretechnik Forums, pp. 1-7, Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgart.

10.   Hausmann, M.; Winkler, R.; Hildenbrand, G., et al. (2003): COMBO-FISH: specific labeling of nondenatured chromatin targets by computer-selected DNA oligonucleotide probe combinations, Biotechniques, 35 [3], pp. 564-577.

11.   Herrmann, A.; Haake, A.; Ammerpohl, O., et al. (2011): Pipeline for large-scale microdroplet bisulfite PCR-based sequencing allows the tracking of hepitype evolution in tumors, PLoS ONE [in Press].

12.   Kaspar, M.; Löhnhardt, B.; Kepper, N., et al. (2009): Interaktive 3D/4D-Visualisierung in biomedizinischen Grid-Infrastrukturen, 54. GMDS-Jahrestagung 2009, Essen, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e. V. (GMDS), 2009.11.10,

13.  Kaspar, M.; Löhnhardt, B.; Kepper, N., et al. (2010): Providing Easy Access to Visualization for Biomedical Research, In MEDINFO 2010, Capetown, South Africa.

14.  Kepper, N.; Ettig, R.; Dickmann, F., et al. (2010): Parallel High-Performance Grid Computing: Capabilities and Opportunities of a Novel Demanding Service and Business Class Allowing Highest Resource Efficiency, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 159, pp. 264-271.

15.  Kepper, N.; Schmitt, E.; Lesnussa, M., et al. (2010): Visualization, Analysis, and Design of COMBO-FISH Probes in the Grid-Based GLOBE 3D Genome Platform, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 159, pp. 171-180.

16.  Knoch, T.A.; Lesnussa, M.; Kepper, N., et al. (2009): The GLOBE 3D Genome Platform - towards a novel system-biological paper tool to integrate the huge complexity of genome organization and function, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 147, pp. 105-16.

17.  Knoch, T.A.; Baumgartner, V.; de Zeeuw, L.V., et al. (2009): e-Human Grid Ecology - understanding and approaching the inverse tragedy of the commons in the e-Grid society, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 147, pp. 269-76.

18.  Knoch, T.A.; Baumgärtner, V.; Grosveld, F.G., et al. (2010): Approaching the Internalization Challenge of Grid Technologies into e-Society by e-Human “Grid” Ecology, Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services - 7th International Workshop, GECON 2010, Ischia, Italy, pp. 116-128.

19.  Löhnhardt, B.; Dickmann, F.; Quade, M., et al. (2010): Evaluation of Visualization Approaches in a Biomedical Grid Environment, Sixth IEEE International Conference on e-Science Workshops - Workshop High Performance Computing in the Life Sciences, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 80-85.

20.  Mohammed, Y.; Sax, U.; Dickmann, F., et al. (2010): On Transferring the Grid Technology to the Biomedical Community, Stud Health Technol Inform, 159, pp. 28-39.

21.  Müller, P.; Schmitt, E.; Jacob, A., et al. (2010): COMBO-FISH enables high precision localization microscopy as a prerequisite for nanostructures analysis of genome loci, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 11 [10], pp. 4094-4105.

22.  Nothnagel, M.; Herrmann, A.; Wolf, A., et al. (2011): Technology-specific error signatures in the 1000 Genomes Project data, Human Genetics, in press.

23.  Nothnagel, M.; Wolf, A.; Herrmann, A., et al. (2011): Statistical inference of allelic imbalance from transcriptome data, Human Mutation, 32 [1], pp. 98-106.

24.  Sax, U.; Weisbecker, A.; Falkner, J., et al. (2008): Auf dem Weg zur individualisierten Medizin - Grid-basierte Services für die EPA der Zukunft, In Telemed 2007 - Electronic Health Record und Gesundheitsportale, Berlin.

25.  Schmitt, E.; Stein, S. and Hausmann, M. (2009): Conception of an image data base for cell nuclei and geometric algorithms for diagnosis and therapy monitoring, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 147, pp. 251-256.

26.  Schmitt, E.; Müller, P.; Stein, S., et al. (2010): Cell nucleus architecture in health and medicine: geometrical descriptors and their use in grid based case studies, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 159, pp. 272-276.

27.  Schmitt, E.; Schwarz-Finsterle, J.; Stein, S., et al. (2010): Combinatorial Oligo FISH: Directed labelling of specific genome domains in differentially fixed cell material and live cells, Methods in Molecular Biology, 659, pp. 185-202.

28.  Skrowny, D.; Dickmann, F.; Löhnhardt, B., et al. (2010): Development of an information platform for new grid users in the biomedical field, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 159, pp. 277-282.

29.  Sommerfeld, D.; Lingner, T.; Stanke, M., et al. (2009): AUGUSTUS at MediGRID: Adaption of a bioinformatics application to grid computing for efficient genome analysis, Future Generation Computer Systems, 25 [3], pp. 337-345.

30.  Spath, D.; Weisbecker, A. and Falkner, J. (2009): Cloud Computing, Tagungsband des Stuttgarter Softwaretechnik Forums, Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgart.

31.  Weisbecker, A. and Falkner, J. (2009): Service Engineering for Grid Services in Medicine and Life Science, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 147, pp. 222-231.

32.  Weisbecker, A. and Falkner, J. (2010): Secure Grid Services for Cooperative Work in Medicine and Life Science, Lin, S.C. and Yen, E., Production Grids in Asia. Applications, Developments and Global Ties pp. 107-115, Springer, New York, USA.

MediGRID Workshop

am 3. Juni 2008 auf dem HealthGRID Kongress in Chicago(USA)


From the bench to the bedside gridwise: MediGRID

Ulrich Sax, PhD, MediGRID

Vice Head of MediGRID, Assistant Professor in Medical Informatics, University Medicine Göttingen, Germany

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1,2 MB

Ressource Sharing on the Teraflop Scale for the BioMedical research and care sector - The Erasmus Computing Grid and MediGRID

Tobias A. Knoch, PhD, MediGRID

Assistant Professor in Biophysical Genomics, Dept. Cell Biology & Genetics, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Biophysical Genomics, Kirchhoff Institute of Physics, Ruperto-Carola University Heidelberg, Germany

Description: Description: PDF T Knoch    5,8 MB

Business cases for research and healthcare industry

Frank Dickmann, Services@MediGRIDGrid

Coordinator and Researcher within Services@MediGRID, Business Informatics and Medical Informatics Background, University Medicine Goettingen, Germany

Description: Description: PDF F Dickmann    0,8 MB

Business models and sustainability of HealthGrid solutions

Karl A. Stroetmann, PhD, MediGRID

Empirica Communication and Technology Research, Bonn, Germany

Description: Description: PDF K Stroetmann   
86 kB

Community Building and Dissemination for HealthGrids

Sebastian C. Semler, MediGRID

Scientific Manager of the Telematics Platform Medical Research Networks (TMF), Berlin, Germany

Description: Description: PDF S Semler  
 0,4 MB

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